Information Guide for Ukrainian Refugees
We have compiled basic information for Ukrainian refugees and helpers on this page. Links are provided for all further information.

Information in Ukrainian and German
1. Arrival and getting started
- The Ukraine Interim Residence Regulation (Externer Link:UkraineAufenthÜV) allows visa-free residence in Germany; extended now until 2 June 2024 at the latest. Important information on this is available on the Externer Link:website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (German, English and Ukrainian).
- General questions and answers on entry and residence are available on the Externer Link:website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (in German, English and Ukrainian) including an Externer Link:information sheet (German and Ukrainian) or of the Externer Link:Federal Ministry of the Interior (German, English and Ukrainian).
- Further information on arrival and the most important information on residence are available on the central help portal of the Federal Ministry of the Interior Externer Link:"Germany4Ukraine" (German, English and Ukrainian); the content of the site is also available as a Externer Link:Germany4Ukraine-App.
- Registration in the Central Register of Foreigners by the Federal Police or Aliens' Registration Office is necessary in order to receive state support benefits.
- It is not necessary to file an asylum application, as the refugees are generally granted a residence permit based on the Externer Link:Council Decision on the Introduction of Temporary Protection of 4 March 2022 in accordance with Externer Link:§ 24 paragraph 1 of the Residence Act (AufenthG).
- With the Externer Link:UkraineAufenthaltserlaubnis-Fortgeltungsverordnung (UkraineAufenthFGV) of November 28, 2023, all residence permits valid on February 1, 2024 will be automatically extended until March 4, 2025 in accordance with Section 24 of the Residence Act.
- Responsibility resides with the foreign migration authorities of the place of residence or stay. This authority issues the residence title or a corresponding de facto certificate when an application for protection is submitted.
- The responsible foreigners migration authority is shown at Externer Link:BaMF-NAvI (German and English).
- No ticket is required for onward travel by local trains.
- The German railway company (Deutsche Bahn) issues free tickets for long-distance journeys within Germany ("helpukraine" ticket).
- Further information is available on the Externer Link:Deutsche Bahn website (in German, English and Ukrainian).
- Initial reception centres are usually to be found on the Externer Link:websites of the responsible foreign migration authorities.
- In addition to state-run reception centres, many private individuals also offer their help, for example via the portal Externer (German, English, Ukrainian).
- SOS Kinderdorf (children's charity) has set up a central registration office for refugees from Ukrainian orphanages and children's homes with the Externer Link:SOS Hotline (in German and English) on 0800 12 606 12 to ensure that accommodation and care is provided together with the persons accompanying them.
- The website of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees provides Externer Link:Welcome offers for migration counselling, initial orientation and Language support (in German and English).
- Free online German courses are offered on the Externer Link:vhs learning portal platform (there are also courses in Ukrainian).
2. Social benefits and medical care
- Since 1st June 2022, Ukrainian refugees have been entitled to basic security and social assistance benefits under SGB II and XII. This is conditional on having a residence permit (as per the Residence Act) or a corresponding “fictional certificate”, being on the Central Register of Foreigners (AZR) and having a police criminal record check (ED-Behandlung). If these requirements are not met, benefits can only be claimed under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefit Act (AsylbLG).
- Those who are able to work but are in need of assistance receive benefits under SGB II (unemployment benefit II/”Bürgergeld”). Those who are also in need of assistance but who cannot work at all or are only able to undertake limited work can receive benefits under SGB XII. More information about entitlement to benefits can be found Externer Link:here (in German and English). The Federal Employment Agency has put together an Externer Link:overview (in German, Ukrainian and English) with explanatory videos in all three languages to make it easier to apply for ALG II.
- Applications for the benefits offered under SGB II can be submitted at the appropriate Jobcenter (which can be found via the Externer Link:home page of the Federal Employment Agency)). The respective social security office is responsible for benefits under SGB XII and can be found via Externer Link:
- Receipt of SGB II benefits includes automatic access to the statutory health insurance scheme. This allows refugees to access medical treatment and services for the prevention and early detection of diseases, as well as pregnancy and maternity care.
- In contrast, receipt of SBG XII benefits does not confer automatic access to the statutory health insurance scheme. However, those entitled to benefits under SGB XII receive an electronic health card through which they receive benefits within the scope of the statutory health insurance scheme.
- Those who do not have a residence permit or fictional certificate, have not been added to the Central Register of Foreigners or do not have a criminal record check can only access healthcare through the Asylum Seekers’ Benefit Act.
- The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds has published an Externer Link:information sheet (only available in German) with detailed information on the subject of healthcare for refugees.
- Further information on medical benefits is available on the Externer Link:website of the Federal Ministry of Health (only in German, but with related links, partly in Ukrainian).
- Care assistance in the form of nursing support can be claimed under SGB XII. After 24 months of membership in the statutory health insurance scheme, it is possible to claim benefits through the statutory long-term care insurance scheme.
- Care assistance received by those who come under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefit Act is largely the same in scope as that received by those who claim assistance under SGB XII.
- Refugees who are entitled to SGB II and XII benefits are entitled to integration assistance benefits under SGB IX. The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs published some Externer Link:information on the subject on 29th April 2022 (only available in German).
- Those who do not receive any benefits under SGB II and XII can claim integration assistance support through the Asylum Seekers’ Benefit Act.
- A newly established Externer Link:contact point of the BMAS, BMI and DRK (in German, English and Ukrainian) mediates assistance offers for refugees with disabilities and those in need of care and coordinates their reception and care (according to the website, the service itself is unfortunately currently only offered in German).
- Aktion Mensch (charity group) has published a Externer Link:guide (in German only) with various support services for refugees with disabilities.
- Ukrainian refugees who are not entitled to benefits under SGB II/XII generally receive benefits through the Asylum Seekers’ Benefit Act.
- The benefits catalogue includes benefits to cover basic needs, the socio-cultural subsistence minimum and medical care for acute illnesses and pain conditions (§§ 3 and 4 AsylbLG).
- If applicable, further care for persons with special needs is also granted (§ 6 AsylbLG). These include, for example, benefits of the integration assistance, special hygiene articles or also interpreter costs in the context of psychotherapy.
- Information is available on the Externer Link:website of the Verbraucherzentrale (consumer advice centre) (German and English) on the issuing of medical treatment certificates and on the possibility of obtaining an electronic health card in some federal states.
- Applications for benefits under the AsylbLG are submitted to the responsible social welfare office.
3. School, training and work
- The websites of the Externer Link:Kultusminister-Konferenz (Conference of Ministers of Education) and the Externer Link:Schulportal (a portal for educational resources) contain numerous links to general information and to information that federal states have put together on the subjects of school and education for refugee Ukrainian children. These are only available in German but include some further links to sources in English and Ukrainian.
- Academic achievements in Ukraine are generally recognised in Germany due to the country's membership in the Bologna Process.
- Information regarding academic studies is available on the Externer Link:website of the National Academic Contact Point Ukraine (German, English and Ukrainian).
- Those undertaking apprenticeships who have a residence permit or fictional certificate and are on the Central Register of Foreigners are entitled to benefits under the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) if they meet the relevant requirements under that act. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has published Externer Link:information on this subject (only available in German). The relevant application forms can be found Externer Link:here.
- Employment and the practice of self-employment are generally permitted.
- The federal states are mandated to add the words "occupational employment permitted" to both the residence title and the de facto certificate.
- The Externer Link:Federal Employment Agency has created a help page on the topics of work and training (German, Ukrainian and English).
- Information on the recognition of qualifications is available on the Externer Link:information portal "Recognition in Germany" (German, Ukrainian and English). In addition, the Externer Link:IQ Network (in German and Ukrainian) provides information on the counselling centres responsible for recognition purposes. There is also an Externer Link:applicant portal for researchers from Ukraine (German and English) at the Helmholtz Centre.
- From 1st June 2022 the only requirement for receiving child benefit is a residence permit; it is no longer linked to an existing job.
- The Externer Link:Federal Employment Agency has created a page (German, English and Ukrainian) with brief information sheets, as well as a form for an application for child benefit (both in German and Ukrainian).
- The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) have produced overviews in various languages on the topics of education and work.
- Overview Externer Link:Federal Ministry of Education and Research (German, English and Ukrainian)
- Overview Externer Link:Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (German and English)
4. Other topics and information worth knowing
- Questions and answers on the topic on the Externer Link:website of the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration (in German, English and Ukrainian)
- Questions and answers regarding social benefits, work, integration and healthcare on the Externer Link:Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) website.
- Externer Link:Collection, among other things, of regulations and materials of the Federal German States (only in German, but with further links, partly in different languages) with first aid offers, hotlines to offers of help, etc., provided by the Information Association Asylum & Migration
- Externer Link:Help and tips from the consumer advice centre (German and Ukrainian) for Ukrainian refugees
- Externer Link:Questions and answers about social benefits and work in sign language (only available in German and Ukrainian) on the BMAS website.